Please read all guidelines carefully, as there will be NO EXCEPTIONS made the day/weekend of your event.
Please read all guidelines carefully, as there will be NO EXCEPTIONS made the day/weekend of your event.
» In an effort to reduce exchanges, we will be conducting minimal-contact waivers and check-in.
» All participants are to check-in at the windows of the registration building or gate (depending on event). We will verify any garage bay or 30AMP site reservations and any registrations conducted through CMP.
» We will have clean pens for guests to use when signing the waiver. Used pens are then to be deposited into a “Used Pen” box.
» All persons entering the facility are to sign an Assumption of Contagion Risk waiver, in addition to the standard waiver. Any additional waivers will also be found at this station.
» We will have hand sanitizer available for use at check-in.
» Spectators: At this time, some events allow spectators and some do not. This is not a decision made by CMP. Check with the hosting organization to see if spectators will be allowed. You can also head to our event calendar and click “Sort By” and choose “Spectators Allowed” to only see events that are confirmed to allow spectators.
» Please check with your club/organization or group for limits on family/crew/team members.
» All persons are recommended to stay within close proximity of their campsite/trailer/vehicle when not on track.
» Masks are required when in close proximity to others. Masks are also required when indoors – such as classroom, registration building, timing and scoring, clubhouse, etc.
» Masks are strongly recommended when not on track/wearing a helmet.
» Four (4) additional hand washing/sanitizer stations have be placed around the paddock for your convenience.
» The clubhouse and timing and scoring buildings will be closed to public traffic. Only approved staff and personnel may enter.
» The registration building and offices will be closed to public traffic.
» Restrooms will be open for public use.
» If any patrons of CMP need assistance during an event please call our office (803) 475-2448.
» To help reduce the amount of on-site transactions, we kindly ask that garage bays and 30AMP sites be reserved ahead of time using our online reservation system.
» If absolutely necessary, CMP can take credit card payments or cash payments (EXACT CHANGE ONLY) on-site. There will be an additional $5 charge for on-site payments for garages/RV sites.

Please maintain a safe distance from your fellow participants, staff, and all other guests.